
Minggu, 30 November 2014

how to make Mie Aceh, prouding food from Aceh,Indonesia,Asia

Real taste of Aceh 
how to make mie aceh .......?

      Mie Aceh is one of the culinary specialties of Aceh which has a very special taste spiciness. Mie Aceh dish using the main ingredient noodle types thick yellow noodles mixed with typical and special spices typical of Aceh. In terms of taste Mie Aceh itself has a savory and delicious taste. With added ingredients slices of beef, mutton, shrimp, crab or squid meat Chicken Noodle flavor is more complete and specials grow again.

      Mie Aceh province is a typical traditional dishes Veranda of Mecca that has a lot of fans from various groups consisting of young people and the elderly. Mie Aceh was very easy to make because of the material that is easy to get in the traditional market. Please refer to the following about the steps and How membat Mie Aceh as follows:

Materials Mie Aceh Kuah:

500 grams of wet yellow noodles
1 crabs
1 / 4kg shrimp
750 ml of broth
150 grams of beef, diced
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
4 red onions, thinly sliced
1 tomato, cut into pieces
1 leek / celery, thinly sliced
50 grams of bean sprouts, wash
50 grams of cabbage / cauliflower, sliced thin
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 bay leaf

Seasonings are mashed:

6 red onions
5 cloves of garlic
2 large red chilies, seeds discarded
1 whole cardamom
2 cm turmeric, burned
1/4 tsp cumin
1/2 teaspoon pepper
salt to taste

Supplementary Material Mie Aceh:

pickled cucumber
fried onions

How to Make Gravy Mie Aceh:

  1. Prepare margarine for frying, stir-fry onion, garlic, and spices until fragrant.
  2. Enter the beef, stir and cook until the meat changes color.
  3. Add shrimp, crab, and broth and mix well.
  4. Enter the chives, salt, bay leaf and pepper.
  5. Cook until meat, crab and shrimp cooked
  6. If the water is reduced and the meat is tender reduce heat.
  7. Enter cabbage, tomato and bean sprouts, then add the noodles and soy sauce.
  8. Stir until all ingredients are well blended and matured. Remove and serve.

Ways To Presentation Kuah Mie Aceh:

Prepare a bowl, then enter the noodles and saucemSprinkle the fried onions on top
Serve with pickled cucumber complement
Thus the discussion of Mie Aceh Recipes How to Make a typical that if it can help you in serving a very nutritious and tasty without the need for special skills such as how to make it even easier and hopefully can help you as well.

Sabtu, 29 November 2014

Introduction site to all human being in the world

good morning every body ..........

Morning motivation .........!

    In this site especially we want talk about international food culture from 5 continent,and 156 state,not just introduct the food but we will tell also about the recipe and the real way how to make it.
The state that we will explain their food :

1. Negara-negara Asia
a. Asia Tenggara
Ibu kota
1. Indonesia
2. Malaysia
3. Singapura
4. Filipina
5. Kamboja
6. Laos
7. Vietnam
8. Muangthai
9. Birma
10. Brunei Darussalam 
 Pnom Penh
 Ho Vhi Minh
 Bandar Seri Begawan 

b. Asia Selatan
 Ibu kota 
1. India
2. Pakistan
3. Sri Lanka
4. Nepal
5. Bhutan
6. Maladewa
7. Bangladesh 
 New Delhi
 Dhaka (Dacca) 

c. Asia Barat
Ibu kota
1. Turki 
2. Suriah 
3. Libanon 
4. Yordania 
5. Saudi Arabia 
6. Rep. Arab Yaman 
7. Rep Dem. Rakyat Yaman 
8. Persatuan Emirat Arab
9. Kuwait
10. Irak
11. Iran
12. Afganistan
13. Israel
14. Oman
15. Bahrain
16. Qatar
 Abu Dhabi 
 Tel Aviv

d. Asia Timur
Ibu kota
1. China (RRC) 
2. Jepang
3. Mongolia
4. Korea Utara
5. Korea Selatan 
6. Taiwan
 Ulan Bator 

2. Negara-negara Afrika
Ibu kota
1. Maroko 
2. Aljazair
3. Tunisia
4. Libia
5. Mesir
6. Sahara Barat 
7. Mauritania
8. Mali
9. Niger
10. Chad
11. Sudan
12. Senegal
13. Gambia
14. Guinea-Bissau
15. Sierra Leone
16. Guinea
17. Liberia
18. Pantai Gading
19. Volta Hulu
20. Ghana
21. Togo
22. Benin
23. Nigeria
24. Kamerun
25. Afrika Tengah 
26. Ethiopia
27. Jibouti
28. Somalia
29. Guinea Ekuator 
30. Gabon
31. Kongo
32. Zaire
33. Burundi
34. Ruanda
35. Uganda
36. Kenya
37. Angola
38. Zambia
39. Tanzania
40. Malawi
41. Mozambique
42. Afrika Barat daya (Namibia) 
43. Botswana
44. Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)
45. Malagasi (Madagaskar)
46. Swazi
47. Lesotho
48. Afrika Selatan
49. Mauritius
 El Aiun 
 Porto Novo
 Addis Abeba
 Port Louis

3. Negara-negara Eropa
a. Eropa Utara
Ibu kota
1. Islandia 
2. Denmark 
3. Norwegia 
4. Swedia
5. Finlandia

b. Eropa Barat
Ibu kota
1. Irlandia 
2. Inggris 
3. Prancis 
4. Belgia
5. Belanda
6. Luxemburg 
7. Jerman Barat (Rep. Federal Jerman) 
8. Jerman Timur (Rep. Demokarasi Jerman) 
9. Austria
10. Swiss

c. Eropa Selatan
Ibu kota
1. Portugal 
2. Spanyol
3. Italia
4. Malta
5. Yunani

d. Eropa Timur
Ibu kota
1. Polandia
2. Cokoslowakia 
3. Hungaria
4. Rumania
5. Yugoslavia
6. Bulgaria
7. Albania
8. Rusia (Uni Soviet) 

4. Negara-negara Amerika
Ibu kota
1. Kanada
2. Amerika Serikat 
3. Meksiko
 Washington D.C. 
Mexico City

a. Amerika Tengah
Ibu kota
1. Guatemala 
2. Belize
3. Honduras
4. El Salvador 
5. Nicaragua
6. Costarica
7. Panama


1. Bahama
2. Cuba
3. Haiti
4. Dominica
5. Jamaica
6. Barbados
7. Trinidad dan Tobago 


 Belize City
 San Salvador 
 San Jose


 Santo Domingo 
 Port of Spain

b. Amerika Selatan
Ibu kota
1. Colombia 
2. Ecuador
3. Peru
4. Venezuela 
5. Guyana
6. Suriname
7. Guyana (Prancis) 
8. Brazil
9. Bolivia
10. Paraguay
11. Uruguay
12. Argentina
13. Cili
 La Paz
 Buenos Aires 

5. Negara Australia dan Selandia Baru
Ibu kota
1. Australia
2. Selandia Baru 

5. Negara-negara Pasifik
Ibu kota
1. Papua Nugini
2. Fiji
3. Kiribati
4. Kepulauan Solomon
5. Tonga
6. Tuvalu
7. Vanualti
8. Samoa Barat 
 Port Moresby

    And then what do you wait, if you have a friends,family,students,teacher,etc with the cook hobby,please tell them about this amazing internatonal food site.

    Have nice cooking........!